Saturday, August 5, 2017


OK tell me what is that 5 senses???



3. smell

4. sight


 That's enough??

Not enough Y??

Because successful people have sixth sense that we call


What is common sense?

Common sense is the ability to see things as they are and do them as ought to be done.

The best education without common sense is worthless

It’s not important that how much you work. it’s important that how much you love the work you did

The person he doesn't know what he has to do and the person he knows what he wants to do and he don't do. the both are same

When employee say I can’t do. It means there are two possible meaning. are they saying they don't know how to or they don't want to.

If they don't know how to that is a training issues. If they are saying they don't want to it may be an attitude issue (they don't care)

You know what is the best discipline in the world??


There are primarily three factors that determine our attitude

They are called the triple E’s of attitude

Let me introduce that the 3 factors




People with negative attitudes will blame the whole world, their parents, teachers, spouses, the economy and the government extra.

That why the first I told that

You are only responsible for your situation. that even bad or good. don't blame others.

Believe in your self

We all know that      


Now scientific research suggests that its true and that when we laugh we change our brain chemistry and feel better

I will give you small tips about solving your problems

1.Don't spend hours dwelling on your fears. Write down what is worrying you. talk to a good friend OR family member OR and your Doctor and get it out from your head.

2.   It’s easy to cancel on friends and family or to stay home because you are bogged down with worries. but being isolated make thing worse. Commit your weekly schedule. A change scene will go a long way shifting your worries

3.When we worry we over examine the worst-case scenario of a situation. It won’t change anything that could happen and imagine how your life would be if these positive things took place

4. Don't focus on the past. Worrying about things that happened yesterday won’t change anything. Ask yourself what impact does the past event have on your life??will it really affect you in 20 years?

5.if you are trying to control other people’s lives. You will also probably be in a continual state of worry. Focus on yourself. Think about what your purpose is in life. Expand your horizons. And take up hobbies and interests that make you Happy

6. If you are in the habit of expecting the worst. Then you probably are getting the worst. Take more balanced approach and be hopeful....

Do always first thing first

That you need to keep in your life K P I

Key Performance Indicators

Thanks Rafi Meethal


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